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Labor of love

Oct 06, 2023

“That is a real labor of love.”

Hearing that statement likely draws to mind the actions of you or someone you know: dedication of time to a special ministry or charitable organization; a craft or art given to loved ones, the parish or a local group; the attention of parents, coaches or teachers for children and youth; the care of health professionals and volunteers for the ill, elderly or those who are dying. These can be real “labors of love.”

When we consider it this way, stewardship is a labor of love: we love God, we recognize that all we are and have come from God alone, and, out of this love and gratitude, we respond by being good stewards of our time, our presence and prayer, our talents and material resources. We become more intentional about the ways we use our lives and resources, and are then less willing to waste them.

Sometimes our stewardship is noticeable and requires a substantial commitment. Yet the simple daily tasks of our lives can also include labors of love: a caring thought shared; a simple meal prepared, even on the run; a load of laundry accomplished; an encouraging hug at the end of a long day. These are also the ways of stewardship, as we care for, nurture and bring to increase the stuff of our lives, no matter how great or small it may seem.

A young woman, Kelli, shared with a group of friends this week this sentiment when she said: “You changed my life. You may not even know it, but your presence and willingness to bring me into your group gave me the confidence I needed so very much.” Kelli’s friends were good stewards of their attention, and from her sharing we see the impact of their labor of love.

This article comes to you from Grace In Action (Our Sunday Visitor) courtesy of your parish or diocese.

06 Oct, 2023
“As Christians we remain deeply convinced that the ultimate aim, that most worthy of the person and of the human community, is the abolition of war. We must therefore always commit ourselves to building bridges that unite rather than walls that separate; we must always help to find a small opening for mediation and reconciliation; we must never give in to the temptation of considering the other as merely an enemy to destroy, but rather as a person endowed with intrinsic dignity, created by God in his image.” — Pope Francis Reflection: Do you ever give in to the temptation of seeing someone as merely an enemy? Think of that person as someone created in God’s image, just as you are. How does this change your desire to build a bridge toward unity rather than a wall to isolate? This content comes to you from Our Sunday Visitor courtesy of your parish or diocese.
06 Oct, 2023
Lk 10:13-16 The disciples are to bring Jesus, the word of God, to all those they encounter on the journey. There have been those Jewish cities who did not listen because of their pride and obstinance, having learned nothing from their history, their heritage. We are thankful for the story of our Christian faith and for those who teach us. May we continue to learn and grow and teach others. This content comes to you from Our Sunday Visitor courtesy of your parish or diocese.
06 Oct, 2023
The Gospels clearly say that Jesus rose in a human, bodily form. (And that’s important.) The Resurrection wouldn’t have been the Resurrection if Jesus had, say, appeared like Obi-Wan Kenobi at the end of “Return of the Jedi.” Jesus isn’t some disembodied spirit who flickers and glows with a knowing smile and nothing in the way of practical advice. Instead, he walks again among us. In person. In the flesh. There are lessons for us in that choice. WE’RE THE WHOLE PACKAGE: First of all, it tells us that the human body is sacred. Put more simply, it tells us that the human body is good. That, in turn, tells us that there must be something awfully special about us. After all, if a human body was good enough for the risen Lord to reoccupy instead of coming back as some bigger-than-life figure in the clouds, then our bodies — and everything that comes with them — should certainly be good enough for us. GOD THINKS YOU’RE A “10”: More than that, it should teach us that we should love what we’ve been given. Funny thing about bodies — we only get one. It’s important to take care of it. Eat right. Exercise. All that. Yes. But it really boils down to loving ourselves for what we are: tall or short, big or small, straight or curly hair. Our bodies are, indeed, temples, regardless of their current condition. DRESS IT UP AND TAKE IT OUT: The other lesson Jesus’ resurrection teaches us is that there is great value and importance to presenting ourselves to one another physically. We live in an increasingly detached world. Think of the impact if Mary Magdelene had known of Jesus’ resurrection only because his Facebook status had changed. Doesn’t have quite the same oomph. Jesus returned to his friends and his followers. He didn’t just send word. He didn’t appear in a dream. He presented himself bodily … and in doing so encourages us to do the same. Let’s remember to pay respect to our own temples; let’s love one another without forgetting the “love ourselves” part; and let’s be there for one another … body and soul. This content comes to you from Our Sunday Visitor c ourtesy of your parish or diocese.
05 Oct, 2023
by Marietha Góngora V. (OSV News) — Guelmis Tavárez has a successful career in the Catholic music industry, but that success didn’t come without a fight against the extreme shyness he suffered from a young age and his reliance on his faith to evolve into the musical artist he is today. Born in Santiago, Dominican Republic, Tavárez, now 39, grew up in a family where music was always present, mainly thanks to his grandmother. He remembers when he was in elementary school, and one of his teachers was forming a student choir. “Although I had the desire to sing, shyness invaded me and prevented me from trying to do it, but when this teacher gave me the audition, he told me, ‘You are going to sing.’ With him, I sang in front of people for the first time. It was the song ‘Un Millón de Amigos’ (‘A Million Friends’),” he said. He also remembers in a special way a friend nicknamed “Alcántara,” who encouraged him to feel confident in his singing. “That was like in fourth grade, he was behind me and while I sang, he would jump and clap. He was like a fan and that helped me a lot; it’s something I will never forget,” Tavárez told OSV News. When he was 13, Tavárez participated and served in a prayer group called “Paz y Bien” (Peace and Goodness) that met every Tuesday. This group taught him to have confidence in himself and in the talent God gave him. “A friend taught me how to play the basic merengue rhythms on the tambora and then they put me in the choir to play the tambora,” he said. “That was my favorite day because I was going to serve the Lord” through music. After rehearsing by himself over and over again, he decided it was time to sing with the group. “I began to come out of my shell, failing and facing fear until a young man in the middle of the assembly said one day, ‘That boy can sing, let him sing ‘Saliendo del Pretorio’ because every time he sings, it moves my heart and something happens that I can’t explain,'” Tavárez recalled. The song is about Jesus’ road to Calvary. “That day, I said to the Lord, ‘If singing touches anyone’s heart, then I’m going to do it,'” he said. A musical duo In his 20s, Tavárez came to the United States and began to hone his gift. From time to time in Santo Domingo, he would write some melodies, but in the U.S., he wrote one of the best-known songs of his ministry: “Amarte con Locura,” a song about love, dedication and reverence for God. “When I hummed it and put the music and lyrics to it, people didn’t believe it was my song; they thought it already existed, and I told them, ‘No, no, I’m doing this song,'” recalled Tavárez, who was inspired to compose it one day in front of the Blessed Sacrament. “When I saw that the Lord was already giving me melodies and lyrics, I said, ‘It’s not for me to keep them,'” he thought. “Then I said, ‘Here’s something to which you have to pay close attention.'” He released the song “Ahí estás Tú” (“You Are There”), when he was 21, with the clear idea that his vocation and singing would always be for the Lord. Even though he received proposals to sing secular music, he has remained committed to performing Christian songs. “I was always very clear that this gift the Lord gave me was his. I have always been here to serve him and his church,” said Tavárez. For a while, Tavárez returned to his native Dominican Republic and started a duo with a friend. Called Jóvenes de Fuego, the project became so successful that the group grew to include 16 young artists, including musicians and singers. “After I married my wife, Huellas de Fuego (Footprints of Fire) was born, a duo we started in 2014 with her,” said Tavárez. His wife, Lina Tavárez, has been — besides his life partner and mother of his five children — his best artistic complement. They have been serving with Huellas de Fuego since then and made a production called “Dios es Grande” (“God Is Great”). “Dios es Grande” included songs such as “En Tu Presencia” (“In Your Presence”), “Mírame” (“Look at Me”), “No Debes Temer” (“Don’t Be Afraid”), and “Me Amas de Verdad” (“You Truly Love Me”), among many others. They have also produced singles such as “Caminaré” (“I Will Walk”), released three years ago. Lina and Guelmis are currently working on the final details of their next production. This article comes to you from Our Sunday Visitor courtesy of your parish or diocese.
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